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Working out can bring big rewards, but as you get older, it’s important to also guard against injury. Taking advantage of a fitness facility’s in-house physical therapist and corrective specialist is a smart way to integrate injury prevention into your routine, and to get back to normal if you’ve experienced a setback.


Whether you’re experiencing a sore shoulder or knee, a stiff back or a tightness in the hip, our therapists can immediately evaluate the condition, determine its source and cause, and begin a therapy plan to restore function. This saves you time and money and returns you to normal activities faster.


When your physical therapist and corrective specialist are located within a gym setting, there are even more benefits:


Immediate access leads to faster results

If you’re working out and you start to feel pain or diminishing function, you can immediately access to help. We can usually get you in within a day or two. 


Assistance with pain control

Having access to an onsite physical therapist and corrective therapist in a gym can also help you learn to better manage pain. A physical therapist can help you find the source of your pain and create a non-pharmacological plan for reducing and managing it.


Addressing injuries fast

If you experience an injury while working out, you don’t have to wait to see a physician. You can go straight to Toni or Carly!  The kinds of 

musculoskeletal conditions that people experience while exercising are the kinds of issues our therapists see and treat a lot.


Learning proper form

As you get back to full mobility after an injury, understanding your body mechanics is imperative. Your physical therapist or corrective specialist can show you exactly how to position your body as you pursue different physical activities to empower you to prevent future injuries. In addition, your physical therapist can communicate with a personal trainer at the gym to develop a personalized program that keeps you safe and strong.



Toni has over forty years of experience working as a physical therapist in the field of orthopedics and sports medicine. She is certified in Sports Medicine with special interest and education in treatment of running injuries and lower body mechanics. 


She has collaborated with Orthopedic surgeons in a medical publication on hip injuries, and in the development of treatment strategies for post operative lover body issues. Specifically for return to run and return to hockey. She continues to work locally to support high school athletes and the community in management of overuse injuries related to fitness and active lifestyles. 





Is a nagging pain concerning you during your workouts?

Do you get an injury in the same place every time you try to increase you workout intensity?

Did you recently sustain an injury and want guidance so you can treat it yourself and safely return to play?

Performed by a licensed physical therapist, with sports medicine experience, you will be led through a series of functional movements and palpation assessment to assist in discovering the source of your pain and contributing factors such as muscle imbalance, weakness, tightness, or compensated movement. You will be instructed in management strategies and modifications to your workout schedule.

Assessment time is approximately 45 min.

Physical Therapist: Toni Dauwalter


Cost $50

With a 10-15 min follow up 1-2 weeks later that is scheduled at time of visit.



TEXT 952-994-7816




If you are ready to begin a fitness program or want to up the intensity of your workouts, a personal fitness assessment will help you identify how to safely move forward.

Performed by a licensed physical therapist, with sports medicine experience, you will be led through an assessment of total body strength and flexibility, balance and cardio fitness, functional biomechanics and alignment.

From this information a personalized fitness program or a program acceleration can safely begin, with your fitness goals in mind.

Assessment time is approximately 45 min.

Physical Therapist: Toni Dauwalter


Cost $50



Functional Fitness 

760 Miners Drive E. Ely, MN 

CONTACT US  PHONE OR TEXT: 1-218-206-6655





mon 7:30-12pm and 3pm-7pm

tues 7:30-12pm

wed 7:30-12pm and 3pm-7pm

thur 7:30-12pm

fri 7:30-12pm

sat 10am-11am​


We are open for classes beyond office/store hours!  After Hours Drop Ins text 218-206-6655




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